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Cookie Policy

Scope of application 

This Cookie Policy applies in addition to the general Privacy Policy of Sennheiser Explorers Community and describes the type, scope, purposes of and legal bases for data processing as well as the options for objections to data processing using cookies and similar technologies (hereinafter together also “cookies”). In addition, with regard to all further information, the general Privacy Policy of Sennheiser Explorers Community shall apply. Status 01.08.2022. 


What are cookies? 

In order to be able to offer you comprehensive functionality, to make the use of our site as user-friendly as possible and to be able to optimize our offering, we use cookies. As a rule these are small files that are stored on your device with the aid of your internet browser. 


Categories of cookies 

We use cookies for different purposes and with different functionalities. In doing so we differentiate according to whether the use of the cookie is technically vital (technical necessity), how long it will be stored and used (storage period) and whether the cookie will be placed by the Sennheiser Explorers Community itself or by third parties, as well as by which service provider this cookie or similar technology was placed (hereinafter “cookie provider”). 


Technical necessity 

Technically necessary cookies: We use certain cookies because they are absolutely vital to ensure that the Sennheiser Explorers Community and its functions can operate properly. These cookies are automatically deposited when accessing the Sennheiser Explorers Community or a specific function, unless you have prevented the placing of cookies through the settings in your browser. 


Technically non-vital cookies: These non-vital cookies, on the other hand, are placed in order to improve the user-friendliness and performance of the Sennheiser Explorers Community or to store some of your settings. We also use non-vital technical cookies in order to record information on the user frequency of certain areas of the Sennheiser Explorers Community, so that we can tailor these more precisely to your needs in the future. We do not save any non-vital technical cookies, until you have clicked in the corresponding field that you acknowledge our Cookie Policy and consented to the setting of cookies. 


Storage period  

Session cookies: Most cookies are required only for the duration of your current service call or session and are deleted or lose their validity as soon as you leave the Sennheiser Explorers Community or your current session expires (so-called “session cookies”). Session cookies are used for example in order to retain certain information during your session, such as your registration for the Sennheiser Explorers Community. 


Permanent/Persistent cookies: Cookies are saved over the longer term only on an individual basis, for example to identify you if you call up the Sennheiser Explorers Community again at a later date and to be able to access saved settings. This means that it is quicker and easier for you to access the Sennheiser Explorers Community and you do not have to enter data, such as your preferred language, once again. Persistent cookies have a set expiry period and are automatically deleted by your browser after the expiry of such period. 


Flow cookies: These cookies are used to allow the different internal Sonova servers to communicate with each other. They are set at the beginning of a user interaction and deleted once it has finished. During the interaction, flow cookies receive a unique identification number, but this does not allow the actual client or user to be identified. 


Use of cookies for web analytics and reach measurement 

We use the following services for web analytics and reach measurement: 


We use the web analysis tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK), a piece of software for the statistical evaluation of hits on our Sennheiser Explorers Community. The data processing here is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 a) GDPR with your consent. 


Sonova utilizes Matomo software to use cookies that are stored on your device and enable the analysis of how you use the Sennheiser Explorers Community. This means that a pseudonymised user profile may be created from the processed data. The information recorded by the cookie about your use of our Sennheiser Explorers Community is stored on our server. The IP address of the user is abbreviated by Matomo before it is saved. 


You can prevent further use of Matomo by removing the tick in the Matomo settings “Click to enable/disable *_pk_* – Matomo Session Cookie” under “Functional Cookies” in the Cookie Settings and thus activating the opt-out plugin. 


You can find out more about the data recorded by Matomo on the external website by Matomo here. 


Deletion and objection to the use of cookies 

The acceptance of non-essential cookies when using our Sennheiser Explorers Community is not mandatory; if you do not want cookies to be stored on your device, you can withhold consent in the cookie banner or deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of your browser. You can delete any cookies that have been stored in the system settings of your browser at any time. If you do not accept any cookies, this can result in restrictions in the functionality of our offerings. 


It is up to you whether a specific web analysis cookie can be stored in your browser, in order to enable us to record and analyse different statistical data. We do not set web analysis cookies unless you enable them. 


If you want to disable web analysis cookies, click on the following link in order to place the Matomo deactivation cookie in your browser. 


You can change your cookies preferences for non-essential cookies on the bottom of the home page under “Cookie Settings. 


You can also activate the “Do Not Track” function on your device. If this function is activated, your device tells us that you do not want to be tracked. 


In detail, when calling up the Sennheiser Explorers Community the following cookies are placed on your device: 

CookieCategoryDescription of cookieDuration
_pk.sesFunctionalSoftware Matomo, (formerly PIWIK) a self-hosted Google Analytics equivalent
Session login cookie for identification of a participant
Session cookie
30 minutes
_pk_refFunctionalSoftware Matomo, (formerly PIWIK) a self-hosted Google Analytics equivalent
Referrer information
6 months
_pk.idFunctionalSoftware Matomo, (formerly PIWIK) a self-hosted Google Analytics counterpart. Secure a participant with a unique identification ID (Unique Visitor ID). Statistical data can be collected about how many users have visited a page13 month
wordpress_logged_in_{hash}Technically requiredCookie is placed by WordPress to keep users logged in.Up to end of browser session
wp-settings-{user_id}Technically requiredCustomization cookie. Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration. The ID is the user’s ID. This is used to customize the view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.1 year
wp-settings-time-{user_id}Technically required Time at which wp-settings-{user} was set 1 year
comment_author_email_{hash} Technically required Used to tracked comment author email, if “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” is checked 1 year
comment_author_url_{hash} Technically required Used to track comment author url, if “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” checkbox is checked 1 year
comment_author_{hash} Technically required Used to tracked comment author name, if “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” is checked 1 year
wp-postpass_{hash} Technically required Used to maintain session if a post is password protected 10 days
wp_saving_post Technically required Auto-saving cookie: wp-saving-post is a WordPress cookie created when auto-saving a post in the editor. Used to track if there is saved post exists for a post currently being edited. If exists then let user restore the data. Up to end of browser session
wp_lang Technically required Stores Language settings Up to end of browser session
tp_* Technically required Totalpoll Voting Cookie
Prevents double votes
Up to end of browser session
tpc_* Technically required Totalpoll Voting Cookie
Prevents double votes
Up to end of browser session
SK-LB Technically required Used from Loadbalancer to identify user. Use of “sticky” sessions 5 minutes
ap_form_id Technically required Plugin realizes the private posts. Saves the current form idNext browser refresh
ap_form_success_msg Technically required Plugin realizes the private posts. Saves the success message Next browser refresh
wfvtTechnically required Wordfence Security Plugin
Live Traffic Cookie – Identifizierung von wiederkehrenden Nutzern. Identifizierung ob es sich um einen echten Nutzer oder um einen Bot handelt.
1 hour
wf_loginalerted_{hash} Technically required This cookie is used to notify the Wordfence admin when an administrator logs in from a new device. This is only set for users who log in, and only if the site administrator has enabled the option “Only alert me when that administrator signs in from a new device”, or the similar option for non-administrator users. This cookie helps site owners know whether there has been a user login from a new device. Session Cookie
wfwaf-authcookie-{hash} Technically required This cookie is used by the Wordfence firewall to perform a capability check of the current user before WordPress has been loaded. This is only set for users that are able to log in to WordPress. This cookie allows the Wordfence firewall to detect logged in users and allow them increased access. It also allows Wordfence to detect non-logged in users and restrict their access to secure areas. The cookie also lets the firewall know what level of access a visitor has to help the firewall make smart decisions about who to allow and who to block. 12 hours